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Teacher salaries under median

Re: Letter written by G.E. MacDonell in regards to “no increases for teachers.”

Re: Letter written by G.E. MacDonell in regards to “no increases for teachers.”

My husband is a teacher here in B.C., and I have to admit, we do OK on his salary.

We are raising four children, and they are all in activities, which is more than I can say for many families.

I am also fortunate that I am a stay-at-home mom with a small home business, so although we are tight, we are able to provide for our family.

I would like to clarify, however, the comment made that a teacher with five years experience makes $75,000.

According to the BCTF collective agreement, this is incorrect.

A teacher with a BA and five years experience actually makes $56,421 – $8,600 under the median family income in B.C.

As well, a teacher with a Master’s degree and five years experience earns a salary of $61,939, still under what G.E. MacDonell states is the B.C. median family income.

D. Bradley