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Santa lives in every heart

From my chair as a mall Santa, I have experienced the company of young and old as they visit to make a wish or capture a Christmas moment.

From my chair as a mall Santa, I have experienced the company of young and old as they visit to make a wish or capture a Christmas moment.  I’ve come to realize I am not giving them the Christmas magic – rather they visit to celebrate the spirit of Santa in themselves. A spirit that is within and outside of religion as people of all faiths and opinions come to visit me in my chair.

Santa is real. The proof is not in me dressed in a red suit and sitting in a Santa chair, but in the magical change in people touched by the spirit.

The Santa spirit lives within each beating heart and when it receives attention, a life becomes enriched with a giving nature. When you awaken your “Santa,” every day will be merry and bright.

This is the truth, and a gift from Santa to you. Merry Christmas.

Santa Gord