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Rework city’s tree bylaw

It’s time for a change in council chambers so that Abbotsford’s new citizens on the mountain aren’t forgotten.

The availability or shortage of water on Sumas Mountain is not really a concern for those of us recently annexed into Abbotsford, because we have been told that city water service to our area is at least 25 years away.

Mountain residents will continue to live without public water supply, no fire hall nearby and no gas lines to our homes.

Those are things we accept as part of life on the mountain.

However, due to the fact that gas is not available and propane is very expensive, many of us use wood as a primary or secondary heat source.

Last year, city councillors passed a tree bylaw which effectively took away the freedom for residents to cut down trees on their own property to heat their homes.

Most properties are five-acre minimums, and many, like mine, are 15 acres.

Most councillors probably had no idea of the impact their “yes” vote would have.

Maybe it’s time for a change in council chambers so that Abbotsford’s new citizens on the mountain aren’t forgotten.

Let common sense prevail, and let’s rework Abbotsford’s current tree bylaw.


Marlin Bayes