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New laws needed to police the online landscape

Harassment, verbal abuse, threatening, and intimidation have always been punishable by law ... Cyber bullying is much harder to control.

Everyone has something to say about the untimely death of 15-year-old bullying victim Amanda Todd.

Harassment, verbal abuse, threatening, and intimidation have always  been punishable by law under the Criminal Code of Canada.

Cyber bullying is much harder to control. How can one stop cyber bullies in world-wide social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, where anyone can put anything online for all the world to see?

In spite of the many breakthroughs, today’s digital landscape is spiced with potent  dangers and immeasurable constructive possibilities alike.

Prominent educators warn that it is absolutely critical to reach kids in the digital arena where they spend much of their time. The big question is: How does one navigate a child’s life away from the demonic actions of sexual prowlers thriving in today’s digital landscape?

While these enormous social changes evolved, most of our elected leaders, and citizens crept along with snail-like speed to stem the tide. No one bothered to write laws forcing cyber gurus to create and distribute an “eraser” button so that victims can erase statements and pictures about them put there by evil minds to hurt them.

Up until now, wealthy tech giants, who invented facial recognition technology, claim that creating an eraser button is not feasible technically.

I  believe that it is our civil duty to embrace the positives of the digital media and promote innovative uses of technology at home and in schools, to prepare kids for the future.

Millions of users already are using to find very “good stuff”. There are many electronic games on the market that provide positive experiences for kids and families at fair prices.

All is not lost.

Nonetheless, it truly is lamentable that the likes of Amanda Todd’s young life was snuffed out so dramatically.

Let’s pray that this sad event may wake up a lethargic, dozing adult community.

Gertie Pool