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LETTER: Much harder to help with solution

I have no problem with the new garbage system. Many cities have the same solution...

Oh so easy. Much harder, but more satisfying, to help with the solution. Contrary to Suzanne Bertness, I have no problem with the new garbage system.

Many cities have the same solution. With regard to the cost in Bellingham Wash., you have to pay extra for weekly pick up.

The kitchen containers that were given to us seal perfectly well. If it emptied everyday into a sealed outside container and washed, there is very little smell. The outside containers should then be washed after they have been emptied. It is obvious on garbage day, all over the city, that some people have not read the literature sent them.

For example soiled pizza boxes can go into the compost. Some residents don’t take advantage of composting, and then they complain of insufficient garbage pick up. Unlimited recycling and compost pick up every week, and three bags of garbage bi-weekly is plenty.

With regard to the compost smell, it is your garbage, deal with it. These people who complain about a little compost smell amaze me. How do they go to the washroom? Have they ever changed a baby’s diaper? What would happen if they had to care for a very ill loved one, who happened to smell at times? Would they stand back in disgust?

Brian Gerty