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LETTER: Let’s label modified crops and let the public decide

These companies produce the bulk of the world’s pesticides and genetically modified seeds.

Re: GMO crops subject to strict standards (June 6 edition): It is no surprise that Lorne Hepworth contends that genetically modified crops are perfectly safe.

As the President of CropLife Canada, he heads a trade association representing the plant science industry.

In other words, he’s a glorified spokesperson for the big agri-chemical companies – Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, DuPont, Syngenta, and BASF.

These companies produce the bulk of the world’s pesticides and genetically modified seeds.

Readers should be aware that genetically engineered foods have not undergone extensive safety reviews as Mr. Hepworth asserts.

There is a complete absence of independent scientific studies of possible long-term effects of eating GMO foods and yet it is thought that 80 per cent of the foods we eat now contain some form of genetic modification.

By eating these foods, we are subjecting ourselves to a potentially dangerous unknown.

If these crops are as safe as agri-tech executives would have us believe, then label them and let the consumer decide.


K. Bachar