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LETTER: Homeless – do we really want them in our downtown area?

Our children will have access to the used needles and broken bottles these people will leave lying around

Re: Housing project for homeless

As I drive by the homeless people's garbage pit (garbage cans overturned and garbage spread over the ground) daily and see many able-bodied people doing nothing and realize that many farmers in the area have to get workers from out of the country, I wonder what is wrong with this picture.

With their track record on housekeeping, or lack of it, do we really want them in our downtown area?  We have revitalized a lot of the downtown area, with more condos and many more children, do we really want to go  backwards?  Since this issue concerns all the people in Abbotsford, should we not all have a vote by way of a referendum or otherwise?

Our children will have access to the used needles and broken bottles these people will leave lying around.  Why do we have to make it easier for the users to have access to their particular demon?  So many liquor outlets in the area.  If this facility must be built, let it be built in a more remote area such as next door to the mayor or city councillors.

Frederick R. Driscoll