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Government should stay out of gardens

An open letter to mayor and council:Please note that the new tree removal bylaw can be seen as discriminatory, negative in its supposed purpose to promote awareness of ecological conservation, and unjust as it penalizes people for carrying out necessary maintenance on private property. It is in conflict with reasonable measures required to protect the home and that of the neighbours from damage and nuisance. The bylaw penalizes people for doing the right thing. Take out one tree, plant two. Take out six, plant 12 – not necessarily on your own property. It is discriminatory as it doesn’t apply to rural residential property. Last spring, a decision was made to remove a problem tree from an urban residence. A qualified licensed tree firm was contacted to do the removal. Weeks passed and there was no action. Inquiries revealed that the owner is required to get a permit from the city. A fee is attached – naturally. Additional time was then consumed with numerous trips to city hall regarding the terms of the bylaw. Personnel from the city had to inspect the tree in question, with an agreement to replace the tree with two trees. Then a deposit was required, to be held by the city for one year to guarantee that the trees survive. Total time involved: One year and nine months.Costs: Tree removal, two trees and planting, permit, deposit, and ultimately a cost to all taxpayers for the new bureaucracy. This bylaw is unjust and unjustifiable. The government should stay out of the gardens of people. Alda Green