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Don’t require, can’t afford YMCA

Regarding Mark Rushton’s editorial comment on Dec. 4 ...

Regarding Mark Rushton’s editorial comment on Dec 4:

Good job! This community does not need or want another facility that we have to ante up for.

If they cannot afford to build, then they cannot afford to be here.

We are already paying huge money for a council folly a few years ago, and then last year we, the voters, put the brakes on a water plan that was blown out of proportion and was being stuffed down our throats by council and an egotistical mayor.

The voters of this city voted most of council back in and that was a huge mistake in my book because we have the same fiscal irresponsiblity that we had before as a majority on council.

I am even more disappointed in Mayor Banman for playing fast and loose with our capital funding.

There are many projects that could use this funding that will benefit a much higher percentage of our population.

(City manager) Mr. Pizzuto should be embarrassed  for saying that the city could go to public donors for the new police building. That statement should embarrass everyone on council.

Just make it easy and tell our police they are second-best after a “gift” to YMCA.

That is all it is when you hit the bottom line.

I have nothing against the YMCA, but we do not require, nor can we afford one.

Karen G. LaCroix