Mounties were removing chemicals used in crystal methamphetamine production at a Mission Orchid Drive four-plex on Friday.
A small team was hauling out equipment and supplies most of the day Friday, including isopropyl alcohol, nine garbage bags filled with cold medicine, and other drug ingredients.
According to the RCMP's clandestine drug lab response coordinator, Luc Chicoine, the lab was small to medium sized, and while the items needed to make meth were present in the home's garage, no cooking was being done.
Members of the emergency response team (ERT) and clan lab units searched the townhouse just after 3 p.m. Thursday and discovered a host of materials that lead investigators to believe the illegal drug was being manufactured on site.
Neighbours in the complex reported to Mission RCMP peculiar smells emanating from the townhouse. Local Mounties attended, knocked on the door and spoke with a male who told them to leave and to get a warrant if they wanted to enter.
Sgt. Miriam Dickson said for safety concerns the ERT was called and the house was searched. The male had already fled and police are searching for the suspect.