Free rides on Lower Mainland buses are set to come to an end as of June 1 as both TransLink and BC Transit bring back fare collection
In a Monday (May 4) press release, TransLink said it would be installing temporary plexiglass barriers to conventional buses currently equipped with traditional operator barriers. Buses that don’t have the traditional barriers – meant to protect drivers in pre-coronavirus times – will have vinyl barriers installed.
TransLink estimated that it will get $2 million per month by resuming fare collection on buses. The Metro Vancouver transit authority said in April that it was losing $75 million per month due to a a decrease in fuel tax revenue and an 83 per cent drop in ridership.
BC Transit, which operates outside of Metro Vancouver, will install a temporary vinyl panel to allow for physical distancing for drivers and customers on all buses without a full driver door.
READ MORE: TransLink suspending bus fares in response to COVID-19
READ MORE: TransLink to lay off nearly 1,500 workers, cut service further as ridership down 83%
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