A new mammography machine is on its way to Abbotsford Regional Hospital, following one of the most successful Crystal Gala nights ever.
More than 500 guests turned out for the Nashville-theme fundraiser at Tradex on Saturday night, raising enough to purchase the $365,000 piece of much-needed equipment.
The Crystal Gala Foundation has been fundraising locally for 23 years, and each year’s gala is their premier event.
“This is a truly monumental year for our organization,” said Gerri Charles, foundation chair. “Thanks to the incredibly generous support from our sponsors and guests, we are able to purchase a new state-of-the-art screening mammography machine for Abbotsford Hospital’s Breast Health Clinic, and better equipment means better diagnosis and better outcomes for the women and men facing this horrible disease.”
With donations continuing to come in, the gala raised enough to fulfill the purchase of the mammography equipment, plus additional money that will go towards other much-needed equipment in the region. In total, the Crystal Gala has raised over $4 million in the fight against breast cancer. And 100 per cent of that money has stayed in the community.
“We at the Crystal Gala envision a future where breast cancer is an illness, not a life-threatening disease,” Charles said. Science is making significant progress towards that day, but until it comes, the Crystal Gala will continue to raise money in our community, for our community.”
The Nashville theme included a southern-inspired meal, silent and live auction, with music throughout the evening by Ryan McAllister, Karen Lee Batten, Dr. Strangelove, and more. Sponsors were recognized with ‘gold’-plated records on the wall.
Dr. Xing Wong was the keynote speaker, and the event was emceed by CTV journalists Mona Mahmoud and Cristina Carpio.