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Abbotsford School District staff to hold information nights for potential trustees

General election to vote for trustees, councillors, mayors coming in six months
(Elections BC photo/Twitter)

Interested in becoming a trustee with the Abbotsford Board of Education?

With B.C.’s general election now six months away now, the Abbotsford School District is planning two information nights for potential candidates to learn about the election process.

The nights will be held in June and late August, and will inform participants of the role of a school trustee.

In the meantime, those interested in running for a trustee position with the Abbotsford Board of Education are invited to visit numerous websites for information about the nomination process and what it means to be a trustee.

The BC Trustee Association also publishes at 14-page orientation guide for those interested in the role.

The School Act outlines the role of trustees. The job included attending board meetings, setting school district policy, employing staff, managing budgets and hearing appeals. Trustees hold their role for four years, and are paid a remuneration fee by the district.

Further helpful and related resources:

Elections BC:

BC School Trustees’ Association:

BC’s local government information hub:

BC Ministry of Education:

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Jessica Peters

About the Author: Jessica Peters

I am proud to be the editor of the Chilliwack Progress. When not at work, I'm busy hiking our local mountains and travelling around the province.
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