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Abbotsford school district seeks input on elective course about adulting

Superintendent Sean Nosek recognizes students’ feedback for real-world skills course in curriculum
Abbotsford school district superintendent Sean Nosek is intrigued to hear thoughts from community. (File photo)

The Abbotsford school district is welcoming input into a potential new elective course that prepares students with practical life skills for adulthood.

Superintendent Sean Nosek, as well as trustees, principals, district leaders and teachers have met with a diverse group of students four times this school year and discussed the Abbotsford educational experience. A recent career development meeting sparked a lively session of ideas, and several practical skills were outlined from students as being essential to adulthood.

“One of the things that Abbotsford is well-known for is the proactive ways that we engage with our students,” Nosek said. “It’s been a powerful way for us as a system to get a voice back to the very people were are trying to serve most.”

There is no formal proposal for the course at this time, but rather just a public discussion about the potential of an adulting course option. Nosek shared a blog post on the school district website on April 22 outlining the idea.

A very rough draft of the course titled Adulting 101 could include mastering communication, financial literacy, and home, personal and civic management.

Nosek says he has received a lot of rich conversation in the days since the blog post with many great ideas to consider.

“This is just a very beginning attempt, but people are adding some really insightful and interesting pieces that could fit,” Nosek said. “I hope that dialogue can continue, and you never know where this might go from here.”

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