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Abbotsford Regional Hospital in dire need of wheelchairs for patients

Currently 40 wheelchairs for 400 acute care beds, Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation raising funds
Shortage of medical equipment is an impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. (Submitted photo)

Abbotsford Regional Hospital (ARH) is one of the many hospitals facing a shortage of medical equipment, and the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation is raising funds to provide more wheelchairs for patients with reduced mobility.

For approximately 400 acute care beds, there are only 40 wheelchairs. Comparatively, ARH had 88 wheelchairs in 2008. The loss of wheelchairs is mostly due to them not being in proper condition and beyond repair.

“Forty wheelchairs are simply not meeting our patient and staff needs,” clinical lead Nicole Koehn says. “Not having adequate wheelchairs available on the units limits staff ability to get their patients out of bed to support early mobilization, prevent de-conditioning and other hospital acquired impairments.”

The Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation raises funds for vital equipment, and is focusing on collecting enough money for new wheelchairs for Abbotsford. Forty wheelchairs, including speciality equipment and cushions, costs approximately just under $207,000.

“Quality of care is significantly impacted when a patient’s ability to leave their room to enjoy amenities, such as green spaces and live music (in the atrium), is negated,” Koehn says. “We need your help to get wheelchairs back on the units at ARH. Lets give patients the equipment they need to focus on their wellness goals while they recover in hospital.”

To organize a fundraiser or donate directly contact or visit

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