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The Fraser Valley Auto Mall launches new online magazine

The auto mall's new online magazine includes an expansive and interactive version of the My Ride auto section.
The Loop at Fraser Valley Auto Mall

The looped route around the Fraser Valley Auto Mall may inspire test drivers to continue driving, around and around the endless path.

The drive is convenient, effortless with no traffic lights to stop the momentum of interest.

In many ways, its characteristics mirror that of the auto mall's new online magazine, that includes an expansive and interactive version of the My Ride section, published in the News every Tuesday.

With just a click, viewers can go beyond their imagination and actually watch the vehicle they are interested in put through its paces via youtube videos embedded into the 24-page virtual publication.

Select the stats button to view a informative snapshot of the vehicles specifications, or hit the brochure tab to download all the information at the dealership's website.

Have a question? Hover your mouse over-top of the picture of the virtual assistant, and receive the contact information to place your call.

And with advertisements featuring used vehicles being updated every week, you will always be able to stay on top of the community's current deals. New vehicle dealerships include; Honda, Ford, GM, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Chrysler and Hyundai.

Instead of physically driving around the route at the auto mall, visit the online magazine to be in the loop.

To view the magazine, visit You will not be disappointed.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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