The sixth annual Toys for Tots Breakfast on Friday morning raised a record-breaking total of almost $61,000 and 2,700 toys for the Abbotsford Christmas Bureau.
“Once again, we’re blown away by the generosity of Abbotsford,” said event organizer Rebecca Thuro of Abbotsford Comunity Services (ACS).
The event, held at the Quality Hotel and Conference Centre, offered a free buffet breakfast to anyone who dropped off a donation.
Organizers say this year’s event was the best attended in six years. Last year’s Toys for Tots raised $58,400 and more than 2,000 toys.
The event included Cliff Prang as MC, a photo booth, a visit from Santa, and live Christmas music featuring the MEI Chamber Singers, the band Coalmont, Ever After Princesses, Ryan McAllister and more.
A drive-thru for drop-offs was open for those who didn’t have time to stay for breakfast.
The toys go to the Christmas Bureau – which operates as the Abbotsford Community Services Food Bank the rest of the year – where families in need can shop for gifts for their children.
“Not only do the gifts give children something to open on Christmas morning, it gives hope to their parents and caregivers that the community cares about their family,” said Dave Murray, food bank manager.
The agency expects to help more than 1,200 children this season. The food bank is one of 90 programs offered by ACS.
Visit for more information or for details on donating or on sponsoring a family in need.
RELATED: Toys for Tots Breakfast raises $56,000 and more than 2,000 toys