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SLIDESHOW: Parade of pumpkin carvings

Abbotsford readers share their Halloween creations
Among the carved-pumpkin photos submitted to The Abbotsford News was this one from Gioia Park.

The carving of pumpkins is a long-held North American Halloween tradition, but it is believed that the custom began in Ireland in the 19th century.

Gourds were hollowed out to act as lanterns and were often carved with grotesque faces on Halloween in part of Ireland and the Scottish highlands.

The lanterns were said to represent either spirits or supernatural begins or were used to ward of evil spirits.

The custom then made its way to North America, where it continues to be a tradition, with many people using it as an art form, carving elaborate designs that can be either cheerful, scary or comical.

The Abbotsford News asked readers to submit photos of their own creations. They can be viewed here: