The Alzheimer Society of B.C. continues to provide Fraser Valley residents affected by dementia with strategies and resources through its webinar and workshops.
Starting on Aug. 24 and running through the fall, the society hosts education sessions that focus on topics related to dementia and end-of-life care.
About 25 per cent of seniors over 85 have been diagnosed with dementia across Canada.
“With B.C.’s aging population, planning for the end of life becomes increasingly important for families to ensure the wishes of a person living with dementia are respected,” the society says in a press release.
The Alzheimer Society says many families affected by dementia might not know where to start when it comes to end-of-life care or even how to start talking about it.
The webinars and workshops provide information about the types of decisions that need to be made, conversations to have, physiological signs that signal the end of life, and ways to cope with grief and loss.
“Not only is the information helpful from the education perspective, but it also provides an opportunity for families to engage in an honest conversation and find a starting point for planning,” says Laurie DeCroos, support and education coordinator with the Alzheimer Society’s First Link.
The organization has also invited special guest speakers to discuss topics such as advance care planning, palliative care, and Medical Assistance in Dying. To register for the free education sessions, visit