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LETTER: Dealing with hypocrisy

The BC government has revoked its approval of Trinity Western’s proposed law school, it is timely to reflect on some key realities..

Now that the BC government has revoked its approval of Trinity Western’s proposed law school, it is timely to reflect on some key realities.

First, there are now many hundreds of lawyers in Canada who hold to the same ethical standards described in TWU’s controversial Community Covenant. I am not aware of a single complaint against any of these Christian lawyers because of  their Christian beliefs.

Second, some Christian law schools in the United States hold to the same behavioural values as does TWU. Here, also, I am not aware of any complaint against Christian attorneys because of their Christian values.

Third, some opposing BC lawyers argue that TWU’s law graduates would be poor attorneys because they might not be willing to defend homosexual individuals or persons in a same-sex marriage. Is it a requirement that attorneys must be willing to defend either side in every case? No.

And here’s the main question. Would the opposing attorneys be willing to defend TWU at the Supreme Court, arguing that TWU has the right to require its students, while students, to hold to the traditional practice of marriage? Probably not one of those critical lawyers would be willing to do that! If my assessment is correct, then those same lawyers should not be critical of TWU-trained lawyers who might also be hesitant to defend every cause and action in society.

Are we dealing with hypocrisy! TWU-trained lawyers should have right to do what every other lawyer has the right to do!


John H. Redekop Ph.D.

Abbotsford, BC