The Council of the City of Abbotsford Pursuant to the Community Charter, gives notice of intention to dispose of the following City owned property:
Legal Description: THAT 580.5 m2 portion of PID 014-980-223 Lot 2 Section 21 Township 16 New Westminster District Plan 82992, as shown outlined red on the attached aerial photo.
Civic Address: 2400 Block Ware Street

Nature of Disposition: Sale
Purchaser: Stonewater Ventures (No. 33160) Ltd.
Consideration to be received by the City for the disposition: $1,061,000 plus a Community Amenity Contribution of $325,000
This notice is for the purpose of public disclosure only, not solicitation of an offer. More information may be obtained from Real Estate Services Division, City of Abbotsford, 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C., V2T 1W7, or Telephone 604.864.5679, Monday to Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., excluding holidays.