U-Haul Storage Center Coquitlam claims a Landlords Contractual Lien against the following persons goods in storage at 33966 Hazelwood Ave, Abbotsford, BC Tel: 604-859-6095. Auction is subject to cancellation at anytime without notice.
AB8491B, AA1527D, AA1761E, AA2649E, AB8488B, AA0298E
Aman Singh - 11278 154A Street SURREY, BC
AA0843N, AA6385R
Cheryl Laflamme - Bourquinn PL ABBOTSFORD, BC
A sale will take place online at www.ibid4storage.com starting at 10AM on Monday, August 28th, 2023 till 10AM Wednesday, August 30th, 2023. Winners will be contacted by email at the end of the auction. Room contents are personal/household goods unless noted otherwise. Bids will be for the entire contents of each locker unit.