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“Gamechanger’: Northwest B.C. gets $250M infrastructure funding injection

“Gamechanger’: Northwest B.C. gets $250M infrastructure funding injection

Northwest BC Resource Benefits Alliance aiming to transform ‘have-not’ corner of the province
IIO BC Investigates Police Shooting in Kitimat

IIO BC Investigates Police Shooting in Kitimat

Flaring to light up the sky as LNG start-up readies in northwest B.C.

Flaring to light up the sky as LNG start-up readies in northwest B.C.

Testing part of year-long startup procedures for new refinery nearing completion in Kitimat
New map details potential environmental threats from B.C. mines

New map details potential environmental threats from B.C. mines

Map editors pressure province to move faster on regulation reforms
Blue herons identified as a significant predator of B.C.’s juvenile salmon

Blue herons identified as a significant predator of B.C.’s juvenile salmon

Surprising UBC findings may actually be beneficial to stability of salmon populations
Teens challenge Lower Mainlanders to clean up their act

Teens challenge Lower Mainlanders to clean up their act

YouthToSea offers restaurant gift cards in exchange for a cleaner coastline
B.C. municipalities pass resolution for salmon-safe flood control

B.C. municipalities pass resolution for salmon-safe flood control

The UBCM resolution seeks federal, provincial support to replace antiquated infrastructure
B.C. salmon farmers request more time to leave Discovery Islands

B.C. salmon farmers request more time to leave Discovery Islands

DFO’s current deadline will lead to the cull of 10.7-million young fish
Talks underway on B.C. salmon farm transition

Talks underway on B.C. salmon farm transition

Amid roundtable discussions, Parliamentary Secretary Terry Beech asks for public input
B.C. anglers plead with Ottawa for more salmon openings

B.C. anglers plead with Ottawa for more salmon openings

Recreationals sector fears another year of restrictions could wipe out the industry