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Will Taboo Sex Show uphold community values?

Should we pay attention to Gerda Peachey’s claim that the Taboo Sex shows will have a detrimental impact on our community?

Should we pay attention to Gerda Peachey’s claim that the Taboo Sex shows will have a detrimental impact on our community? Does anyone care? Will anyone dare to support her in this mission?

She is not the first to express concern about corrosive influences on society. Some 3,000 years ago an Israeli philosopher-poet lamented “if the foundations are destroyed, what can good people do?” More recently, the British anthropologist, J.D. Unwin studied 80 civilizations spanning 3,000 years. He concluded that “in 100 per cent of the cases where these civilizations fell, it was because they abused the freedoms they had.” He found family values deteriorated, society turned to immoral ways and crime abounded. Consequently, in his opinion, these civilizations fell.

It is essential that we guard the doors to our minds. Whatever we allow to enter will shape our attitudes and actions.

For me the question is, will Taboo uphold our personal and community values, or tear them down?

Peachey is scheduled to present her views concerning Taboo on Feb. 6 at city hall. Will the city be listening?

Art Martens