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To be ‘taken care of’ means more taxes

I am responding to the letter written by Lila Rauh regarding responsibilities of the provincial government to our communities if an earthquake were to strike here.

I am responding to the letter written by Lila Rauh regarding  responsibilities of the provincial government to our communities if an earthquake were to strike here.

She writes, “So provincial government, ‘Are you ready?’ ”

She obviously expects  Christy Clark and her government to ensure the safety of all people living here.

Her attitude suggests that it is up to others to  protect us during natural disasters – and yes, they will come.

But  I am among many who want less government – not more.

The ancient pax Romana dictum stated, “They rule best who rule least.”

It is irresponsible for me to expect either Ottawa or Victoria to be accountable for me if and when natural disaster hits. That’s why I buy insurance.

My wife’s father sat and cried when a Saskatchewan tornado ripped apart a new barn he had just completed building.

After the tears, he got out his hammer and saw and rebuilt the barn.

I happen to live in a condo from where I can watch police cars and ambulances and fire trucks come and go, and that’s about as much intervention as I want from local and provincial government.

Remember what you call for by way of your expectations. To be “taken care of” by government can only occur if you are more heavily taxed.

So yes Lila, let’s ask government to review the building codes, review emergency regulations, have school drills, plan how to get out of a condo, and on and on, but please, no more government and taxes than we now have.


Cliff Ratzlaff