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LETTER: The other reasons for the season

A response to the Missing the Real Meaning of Christmas letter

This is in response to the letter “Missing the Real Meaning of Christmas” published on Dec. 26.

I would put it forth that perhaps if the letter-writer wants to see God in the classroom and in the Christmas pageants, then perhaps she ought to have her grandchildren attend a Christian school.

If her grandchildren are attending public school, then it is not surprising that there is no mention of Jesus.

I would also point out that Jesus does not get to call December his own month.

There are other religions and cultures that have holidays in December and we cannot just say that it belongs to Christians alone.

Christmas, as we know it, evolved from the pagan tradition of Yule, which was assimilated into Christianity in order to conquer and convert the pagan masses.

I would encourage you to read more about that before you go shouting from the rooftops that Jesus is the reason for the season.

He is not, since the whole season is cobbled together from a number of different cultural traditions.

Christmas is about love and family and friendship.

This love, family and friendship is the spirit of what Jesus wanted us as Christians to believe.

If you can’t put aside your own self-importance and proclaim that everyone else (many of whom might not be Christian, so how dare you say that secular, public schools ought to cater to any religion), is celebrating wrongly, then perhaps God’s protective wall has enclosed you a little too much.

Sarah Smith