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LETTER: Some cuts to Canada Post save money

It is only by keeping the lines of communication open that the changes being implemented will work...

Dear Editor:

I am writing in response to Mr. Redekop's letter that was posted on March 22, 2014 'parties must work together to save key public service', I must first state that I do not totally disagree with what Mr. Redekop has said but I also do not totally agree with it either. It only stands to be said that if there is not expansion in a business such as postal service that it will eventually dwindle away. If the financial losses are predicted to be as great as stated, why would the public not stand behind the decision to cut services, I  for one live in a rural area and see my mail carrier driving  hours every day to deliver the mail to private residences. Given the consistent increases in gas costs as well as the level of insurance that is needed to use their private vehicles to deliver the mail, if this is factored in the $23.11 wage they receive does not get them very far.

Mr Redekop stated that 'door to door service should continue for five years' to give people time to 'make residence decisions' I do not agree with the thought that the elderly or disabled people mentioned should need to make residence changes ,because the mail will not be delivered to their door. It sounds to me as if they are being given the five years to decide to sell their homes and move .  Is it necessary to uproot homes to accommodate the new mail delivery system' This seems a little drastic to me.

I do however agree with the fact that the new rate of 1.00 for a single stamp is excessive and hat even the bulk rate for postage stamps is too costly. This is another reason I see that people will move to doing business electronically. Another partial cause for the decline in the use of the postal service is the fact that people are more aware of their carbon footprint ,and have turned to receiving bills electronically .

Thirdly, when the cutbacks come into play there will be a cost saving for Canada post ,in the way of reduced wages, as well as fuel costs. I agree the pension and holiday times that is received by the postal workers is generous, but everybody is entitled to receive the stat holidays off if their job states it, I don't see why they should be any different. As for the pension package at age 55 I am sure if they have been delivering mail carrying heavy amounts of weight everyday must certainly take its toll on the body, at what cost to their physical well-being is enough to earn that pension amount that they receive.

I do however agree that three day a week service is ample to access the post offices; the question that I would raise is other than Wednesday, which for many Government agencies is when they do their check delivery what days would work the best. I for one would like to see Saturday service be kept, as many people I know work during the week and that is the only day they have to do their personal business. There needs to be some form of public input as to which days their local post office if accessible to them.

I also remember the strikes and the work stoppages of the past, however as the times change so must the service industries change to keep up with them. It is only by keeping the lines of communication open that the changes being implemented will work, and yes that include the Cupw, Canada Post, and the public.

Dawn Styran
