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LETTER: Sober second thought should prevail

In a world of 10-minute medicine or medical appointments and one-size-fits-all prescribing ...

Re:Marijuana dispensaries

In a world of 10-minute medicine or medical appointments and one-size-fits-all prescribing of potentially very dangerous and or damaging pharmaceuticals, I think a sober second thought should prevail. We are in a transitional period, legislatively speaking.

To allocate taxpayer resources toward this effort is likely an expensive and pointless exercise. Look to the west and review what our bigger, more powerful neighbour, Vancouver is doing.

There is enough well-established evidence to confirm that actual medicinal, not recreational, use is of significant benefit to many individuals, both young and old.

And Don Briere, you would be well advised to actually run a compassion club that is endorsed by the medical community as well as city hall and your “patients.”

Linda Nickerson