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LETTER: Pipeline deals come too cheap

While it comes as no surprise that Abbotsford, along with the rest of B.C., is easily willing to sell out ...

While it comes as no surprise that Abbotsford, along with the rest of B.C., is easily willing to sell out, it does come as a surprise to sell out so cheaply.

Why is it that when we have genuine concerns about health, environment and very real negative outcomes that could arise – for example,  spills and contamination that has happened already – our city leaders, provincial leaders and federal leaders only look to increase their monetary gain, or their golf game?

The least these leaders could do is create sustainable local infrastructure, create more jobs, or even create a viable option for helping our local less fortunate individuals.

The local young population has about a five to 10 per cent chance in their entire life to earn enough to own their own home, and many local single parents struggle to feed the developing minds that are our future, but instead we decide golf club houses are more important.

The revenue that would be created by such an improvement would be similar to the Abbotsford Centre bust. What is the percentage of locals who actually attend the already existent golf club? What percentage will the rates increase by? How many fewer people will take part in this activity afterwards?

Would it not be wiser to have a more sustainable way of living? And who better to help pay for it than these fat cats making all the money off of our Canadian resources?

Health care cuts? Income tax increase? Fewer jobs? Higher home prices? A Canadian dollar so reliant on oil? Just doesn’t make sense.

Kyle Froese