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Future shift

Abbotsford, “the city of a hundred churches” is outgrowing its old agri-Christian Bible belt view of the world ...

Abbotsford, “the city of a hundred churches” is outgrowing its old agri-Christian Bible belt view of the world – and there’s nothing wrong with that.

It doesn’t mean the end of the world is coming. It doesn’t mean we are living in the modern times of Sodom and Gomorrah. A growing city has to represent more than one view of the world – in fact, many.

The “power shift” occurring in Abbotsford will continue to affect the entrenched fundamental view of what is right politically, economically, and socially.

We are in the midst of shifting from a smokestack and muscle view of the world to something that is more global in its ideas – more of an embracing rather than of denying the realities of change.

What Abbotsford is experiencing is a future shift into the 21st century.

Myron Neville