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Crown counsel to Bacon: 'You lie to achieve your goals'

Intense cross-exam of Jarrod Bacon of Abbotsford by Crown counsel Peter LaPrairie continued Wednesday in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver.
Jarrod Bacon is seen during a 2009 court appearance in Surrey.

by Kelsey Klassen, Contributor

Crown prosecutor Peter LaPrairie continued to paint Abbotsford gangster Jarrod Bacon as a liar during cross-examination in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver on Wednesday.

LaPrairie suggested Bacon’s parents, David and Susan, were aware of the cocaine deal he was planning in 2009 and repeatedly asked him over the course of the two-day grilling about their involvement.

Referring to a Bacon family trip to the PNE on the afternoon of Aug. 27, the exchange became heated when LaPrairie asserted it was a cover for a cocaine and cash exchange that was planned later that night involving Scott, the police agent and Bacon.

Bacon argued it was an annual trip and took offence to the question of whether his parents bought his ride tickets.

After putting the 28-year old on edge by bringing up his parents, LaPrairie showed surveillance footage to the court of Bacon’s father driving him to co-accused Wayne Scott’s house on the evening of Aug. 27.

“What he was doing is dropping you off at Wayne’s house so you could talk about a drug transaction, right?” LaPrairie pressed.

Bacon adamantly denied his dad had any knowledge of what he was planning, saying his father drove him to Scott’s house to save him from having to take a taxi due to his bail conditions.

“I’m good at hiding my criminal activity from people,” Bacon countered. “They thought Wayne was a good influence on me because he worked.”

LaPrairie later questioned the family’s ignorance of Bacon’s criminal activities due to testimony that they witnessed Bacon using dry-erase boards to communicate, and that he was arrested in his father’s truck wearing a bulletproof vest on his way to report to his bail officer.

LaPrairie then shifted focus to Bacon’s history of lying to the court, starting by suggesting Bacon was lying in his testimony when he claimed he was only planning to rob the police agent.

“You and Wayne Scott agreed to obtain 100 kilograms of cocaine from (the agent) so you could profit from it, right?” LaPrairie asked.

“No. This case is an attempted robbery. There never was any money at any point in time. My intention the whole time was to rob him,” Bacon jeered. “You should save that little speech.”

The Crown then exhibited signed bail documents and questioned Bacon on whether he knew even as he signed them that he would breach the conditions upon release. Bacon admitted at one point that he knew he was lying to the justice of the peace.

“I was in the hole for 41 days and wanted to get out, so I lied.”

LaPrairie countered, “You lie to achieve your goals.”

He listed Scott, the police agent, the JP, and Bacon’s parents among the few people he had admitted under oath to lying to in the summer of 2009.

“When I was addicted to drugs I would lie frequently. I have no reason to lie. I’m the one who knows exactly what was going on here,” referring to his defence that he had never intended to buy 100 kilograms of cocaine from the police agent, only violently rob him of a 10 kg sample.

“Mr. Bacon, your testimony that you intended to rob (the agent) is nothing but an outright lie from an admitted liar,” LaPrairie said as his cross neared to a close.

Bacon finished testifying Wednesday morning, with closing submissions expected to begin in the afternoon.

Bacon and Scott are each charged with one count of conspiracy to traffic cocaine.