The City of Abbotsford has released a list of the streets that will take priority for traffic-calming measures in 2024, with McCallum Lane between Braun and Cannon avenues taking the top spot.
A post on the city website says the city has reviewed requests submitted by residents across the city.
“Streets are prioritized for traffic calming based on traffic speeds, traffic volumes and proximity to vulnerable road users (parks, schools),” the post states.
Traffic-calming measures can include speed humps, speed tables, traffic circles, curb extensions or raised crosswalks.
“Traffic calming can also be installed to deter drivers from using a residential road to shortcut around busy intersections,” the webpage states.
McCallum Lane has been given a "priority 1" rating for traffic calming.
Local roads that have been given a “priority 2” rating are:
• Sandpiper Drive between Blue Jay Street and Southern Drive;
• Sandringham Drive between Cassandra Drive and Sandringham Road;
• Fern Street between McKenzie Road and Salton Road;
• Adair Avenue between Trethewey Street and Atwater Crescent (west);
• Langdon Street/Hylan Avenue between South Fraser Way and Parkview Street; and
• Marble Hill Drive between St. Moritz Way and Glenn Mountain Drive.
Before any of the projects can proceed, the city is asking for response from area residents.
The city says traffic-calming measures will occur only if at least 50 per cent off the affected property owners respond to the survey and at least 67 per cent are in favour of the traffic-calming plan.
Emails indicating support or opposition can be sent to by Sept. 18. Include “Traffic Calming Program 2024” in the subject line, as well as your name, address and a yes or no.
Response is limited to property owners on the candidate streets.
Visit and click on “Traffic Calming Program 2024” for more information.