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‘Dog days of summer’ dangerous

That’s the message from the BC SPCA as it ramps up efforts to raise awareness about the hazards of mixing summer heat and animals.

Abbotsford paws walk in September

Registration is open for Paws for a Cause walk held each September to raise funds for abused, injured, neglected and homeless animals.

Wildlife photo contest

The BC SPCA is holding two contests celebrating wild animals depicted in still photographs or on film.
Kitten season tough on adult cats in SPCA care

Kitten season tough on adult cats in SPCA care

SPCA branches across the province are overwhelmed with almost 1,000 adult cats awaiting homes

COLUMN: Dry, hot weather is tough on plants

After five months of cooler, wetter weather than I’ve ever seen before, we’re about to experience some record hot temperatures.
Helping the Snowbirds fly

Helping the Snowbirds fly

Thomas Edelson and the Snowbirds will be at the Abbotsford International Airshow this weekend

Slice of Life: August 2-7

Clearbrook Library (32320 George Ferguson Way) holds Raptor Rapture! on Wednesday, Aug. 8 from 11 a.m. to noon.

Summer reading clubs in Abbotsford

Libraries in Abbotsford are among those participating in the Fraser Valley Regional Library’s (FVRL) summer reading clubs.
Renaissance woman Marina Parapini bronze academic medalist at UFV

Renaissance woman Marina Parapini bronze academic medalist at UFV

Dewdney resident was able to spend one semester abroad

Slice of Life: June 16-22

The Business and Professional Women’s Club (BPW) of Abbotsford holds its annual general meeting and dinner social on Wednesday, June 20.