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Project provides prom dresses for girls in need

Project provides prom dresses for girls in need

Linda Anderson knows graduation can be a huge expense for families. There are event tickets, pictures and formal wear. A prom dress can cost upwards of $200.

Forty walkers a day in AESC program

An average of 40 walkers a day are taking advantage of the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre’s new walking program.

Bowl for Kids Sake supports 'Big' organization

Local businesses and residents are being urged to help kids who have “pinned their hopes” on a mentoring relationship, by taking part in Bowl for Kids Sake 2011 – the most important fundraising event of the year for Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies in the Fraser Valley.

LORIE CHORTYK: It's hip to be snipped

Did you know that in just seven years, one unspayed cat and her offspring can produce more than 450,000 cats? For dogs, that number is 4,000 and one unspayed female rabbit and her offspring can produce 95 billion rabbits in that same period.
Luxury home sale proceeds donated to Canuck Place Abbotsford

Luxury home sale proceeds donated to Canuck Place Abbotsford

The proceeds from the sale of a luxury home in Eagle Estates will be donated to benefit the Canuck Place Children’s Hospice in Abbotsford.
Thinkink pink

Thinkink pink

Slice of Life: Feb. 25-March 4

Egypt revolution focus of UFV lecture

The world watched over the past month as a modern revolution took place in an ancient nation.
Canuck Place Lego Challenge

Canuck Place Lego Challenge

Lego Master Robin Sather will need more than 20,000 Lego blocks to create a replica of the Abbotsford Canuck Place Childrens Hospice.

Abbotsford's rural ratepayers rally