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Epilepsy awareness

In recognition of March being epilepsy awareness month, Saturday, March 26 is Purple Day for Epilepsy.
The gift of water: Sand dam builder visits Abbotsford

The gift of water: Sand dam builder visits Abbotsford

When Joshua Mukusya was a child, he promised his mother he would provide the family with water – his duty as the first born. But in his village of Kola in eastern Kenya, Mukusya had to walk eight kilometres to the closest water source and carry it back on his head – all in 45-degree heat.

MINTER: Plant strawberries now

Forum unites youth and community leaders

A forum in Abbotsford in May will bring together youth and community leaders to share ideas and concerns about local issues.

WestJet CEO shares 'five secrets' at UFV lecture

Gregg Saretsky wants to let you in on a few secrets, five to be exact.

Slice of Life: March 19 to 22

Stanley Cup coming to town

Stanley Cup coming to town

Hockey’s Holy Grail is coming to Abbotsford. The Stanley Cup, along with the Hart Trophy, given out every year to the most valuable player in the NHL, will be on display at The Honda Way in the Fraser Valley Auto Mall on Saturday, March 19.
Teens getting the message

Teens getting the message

An Abbotsford high-school student has been recognized for understanding the rules of the road.
Cadet competition in Abbotsford

Cadet competition in Abbotsford

BC Hydro holds open house in Abbotsford

BC Hydro wants customers’ opinion on long-term clean energy planning.