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LETTER: Thank you for winter homeless shelter

Concrete steps towards improving unhealthy living conditions

Our hard working Mayor Braun and city council members deserve to be commended

for not only talking about but literally providing a much needed 40-bed winter shelter for the

homeless by mid-December before the snow starts flying.

What a tremendous Christmas gift to some of the most needy living amongst us. I believe it to

be a wise decision to have the Lookout Emergency Aid Society running the portable shelter.

Heaven only knows most these residents do need constant supervision while learning how to live

a far cleaner life style.

Yes, here we are watching our city council take concrete steps towards improving the unhealthy,

disease infested, totally despicable living conditions no human being should be allowed to live in

here on earth.

Everyone knows there is a lot of work to be done yet. But, rather then talk only, Mayor Braun and

council members worked diligently to find a better solution. They do deserve the highest of praise

for that. We want to thank you for your tenacious efforts towards improving the unhealthy, totally

awful living conditions for some of the less fortunate living amongst us. We are proud of you all for

your deed of genuine compassion. The world could handle more of that.

Along with many area residents I like to send a hearty thank you to Mayor Braun and all

council members. May each of you have a most blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Gertie Pool