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LETTER: Parents cannot accept harmful behaviour

Real love for a child, I urge, will not enable or affirm him in any sort of evil, defiling, harmful behaviour...

Editor, The News:

Re: Ann McNulty's letter, "Acceptance that son is gay," The News, July 8

While criticizing my earlier letter (The News, June 19), Ann McNulty asks, "I wonder what Mr. Peachey would do if his own son or daughter told him they were gay?"

It's an important question, and one that I have been asked several times during the recent Abbotsford "Pride" flag controversy.

My response to such a scenario would have to take three concepts into account:

1. Reasonable parents cannot blithely accept their child's engaging in harmful, self-destructive behaviour.

2. Sins against God, including socially accepted sins, constitute harmful, self-destructive behaviour.

3. Sexual immorality, including same-sex sexual activity, is sin against God.

Jesus listed sexual immorality among sins which he said are "evil" and "defile a person" (Mark 7:21-23).

Ann McNulty writes, "I am a Christian." Well, the biblical definition of a Christian is a disciple or "learner" of Christ — one who takes Jesus' words seriously (Acts 11:26).

Real love for a child, I urge, will not enable or affirm him in any sort of evil, defiling, harmful behaviour.

So to answer the hypothetical question, I would deal lovingly and frankly with my child to discover why he is thinking this way.

I would advise him that persisting in sexual immorality will keep him out of the kingdom of God, and that he must repent of his sin, turn to Christ for forgiveness and deliverance, and look to God for help in overcoming temptation.

Then I would continue to firmly support him in his difficult quest for doing what is right and pleasing to God.


Richard Peachey