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LETTER: Move towards marijuana is concerning

Editor, Abbotsford News:

Thank you for publishing the letter from Frank Wirrel [Dec.21 edition].

In his letter he calls "a spade a spade" and does not "sugar coat" the possible horrific results of the legalization of certain drugs.

There seems to be a move "afoot", where our "law abiding" marijuana "pot-marketer's" may be planning to take their questionable product to the "open market" concept.

Questions I would ask are; What is so important to have a marijuana "buzz"?; Is it to mask the present?; Can I not control my own thoughts and actions without sabotaging my brain function?; When the "buzz" is gone am I able to handle it or do I go another round?; If I use something stronger, will everything be even better?

It is very comforting to have a government so concerned about the need of some individuals that a high priority plank in their election and legislation strategy was to legalize recreational "pot".

There has been a successful move by some politically correct individuals and organizations to have Christ removed from Christmas, the Lord's Prayer from schools and public areas. Who knows what else? I presume these removals were to ensure our minds are not contaminated? What are these groups doing to ensure that the minds of our youth are not contaminated by marijuana?

Why am I concerned about this drug? Some physical effects of marijuana are (Govt. of Canada information); Red eyes, increased heart rate, drop in blood pressure, fainting, heart attack, stroke, chronic cough, phlegm buildup in throat, chest problems, lung infections, addiction, plus many others.

Marijuana smoking during pregnancy has been associated with long-lasting harm to the exposed child's memory and other brain functions as well as hyperactive behaviour. The toxins in marijuana are also carried in breast milk and can be passed to the baby. What does marijuana affect a mother's egg, or male sperm?

Controlled marijuana for medical use, prescribed by a fully licensed medical practitioner - OK - but not for recreational use.

If "pot" is legalized, will it not make our youth consider it a safe product. Adults must also set an example for our youth.Parents,lets give this some thought. Where does Health Canada stand on this? Are they not the one's who monitor hazardous products? There should not be any thought of legalization without the explicit recommendation by Health Canada. Let's think responsibility and accountability.

Eric Myrholm - Abbotsford